Baha'is of Woodstock, IL

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Baha'is of Woodstock, IL

So powerful is the light of unity that it illumines the whole world. -Baha'u'llah

Welcome to the New Website

We are the Woodstock Baha'is.  We are a diverse loving family, coming from many different racial, religious and cultural backgrounds.

What we have in common is our vision of a world without prejudice or hate. We share a love for our own diversity, as well as the growing diversity of our community. As Baha'is, we share the desire to serve our local and world-wide neighbors by providing families the opportunity to offer their children a spiritual education based on the acquisition of virtues.

We meet in each others' home for study circles, devotional meetings, children's classes, activities for youth and junior youth, as well as for Baha'i Holy Days and events.  And pot luck dinners!

Abdu'l Baha said, "To be a Bahá'í simply means to love all the world; to love humanity and try to serve it..."   Here in Woodstock, we express that love in ways both subtle and exuberant. We invite you to share that vision.

e-mail:  ??????????
phone:  (815) 575-5650




Recent Stories

Give Away Your Possessions???

'Abdu'l Baha said:
"Detachment does not consist in setting fire to one's house, or becoming bankrupt or throwing one's fortune out of the window, or even giving away all of one's possessions."


<Everytime I read these words, I am blown away by the profundity.  This morning, as I was considering the subject for this blog, this quote flew out of my journal.>

Welcome to the New Website

We are the Woodstock Baha'is.  We are a diverse loving family, coming from many different racial, religious and cultural backgrounds.

What we have in common is our vision of a world without prejudice or hate. We share a love for our own diversity, as well as the growing diversity of our community. As Baha'is, we share the desire to serve our local and world-wide neighbors by providing families the opportunity to offer their children a spiritual education based on the acquisition of virtues.